Statistics Canada Economic Indicators

We have datasets of the Economic Indicators from Statistics Canada in clean and downloadable format. These comprehensive datasets provide a deep insight into the economic metrics and trends of the country, making them an invaluable resource for research, analysis, and pedagogical purposes.

Recognizing the potential these datasets hold for enriching our curriculum and student understanding, we are making them readily available for any faculty member who wishes to integrate them into their classes. Whether you’re aiming to provide real-world context to economic theories, foster data-driven discussions, or engage students in hands-on analysis, these datasets can be a pivotal educational tool.

For those who may be interested in utilizing this resource, I urge you to explore the datasets and consider the multitude of ways they can elevate your teaching methodologies. As always, collaboration and the sharing of best practices when using these datasets are highly encouraged among our community.

Let’s harness the power of real-world data to inspire and educate our students. Happy teaching!

This is an external link for the dataset.

Below is the embedded site.