Why do you tip? And have your reasons for tipping changed lately? Is there less gratitude in the mix and more — shall we say — fear?
I sense that changes in tipping technology and custom have shifted the balance of power away from the customers and toward the providers of service. People seem to be more likely to tip now because they sense bad things will happen if they don’t.
The result is that tipping percentages have gone up and more types of providers are getting tipped. That is good for the providers. It is also good for the companies for which they work, which can pay less knowing that the workers have more tip income.
Point-of-sale terminals at places such as Starbucks prompt customers to pay big tips. You can still choose not to leave a tip, or just a small one, but the person you’re stiffing is right there in front of you. The Wall Street Journal reported this year that people are even being prompted to leave tips at self-checkout terminals.